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Orientation session of g-Enesis at Kashiwa Campus

Hello, I'm Taisuke Yoshida, president of g-Enesis.
I feel happy because I could start this blog and introduce our activities.
If you are interested in our activity, do not hesitate to contact us!

This time, I would like to report our orientation session at Kashiwa Campus held in 18th June.
The contents are (1)Introduction of our activities and (2)Report of MIT Energy Conference.

First, we talked about our vision, past activities and our future.
As you know, our vision is to contribute to achieve sustainable energy use from the students' point of view. To achieve it, we have held study sessions, made policy proposals and joined international conferences such as MIT Energy Conference.
We are going to improve each activity and make more output-oriented energy club in the near future. We welcome anyone who are interested in our activities, please join us!

Next, we reported MIT Energy Conference, which was held by students(!) in MIT.
Four students in University of Tokyo, including me joined that conference supported by AGS.
We met a lot of people, not only students but business persons, researchers and politicians.
Through the conference, we realize the gap in the energy situation between Japan and foreign countries such as US and EU. In those countries, Energy seemed like a key issue in the political and business field. At the same time, we were overwhelmed by students who joined the conference. They had own speciality and strong problem consciousness. Communication with such students was a great opporunity for us.
This year, we are going to call for participants for MIT Energy Conference. If you are interested, please apply for it!

Fortunately, there were a lot of participants, so we could hold a fulfilling session.
I really appreciate everyone's joining.
Thank you, and looking forward to meeting you in the next meeting!

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