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Fundamental study and Innovation

Hello everyone,

My name is Yoshihisa Hirano, one of the comittee members of genesis.
I am the first year of master of engineering program at the Department of Chemical System Engineering of Todai.

My main research at the lab is "Self-organization of nano particles".
(as the second research I study hydrogen storage & carriage for fuel cell vehicles)
Perhaps most of you would respond,
"What's self-...something? Is that really a research for the energy problem?"
My answer would be, "Absolutely no. It's a fundamental research".
In the lab I dry up water droplets that contains tiny particles, and observe how their structure changes as drying continues .
That's all my research.


Eco Japan Cup 2009

Hello everyone,

It's Kampanart SILVA. A first degree student of
Environmental & Energy System Course,
Department of System Innovation, Faculty of Engineering.
Now I'm working on the project of Eco Japan Cup 2009.
And we are going to have a meeting today in Hongo campus.

"Eco Japan Cup 2009" is a project of Ministry of Environment.
It prompts people to think about Environmental problems,
and find the way to solve it. We haven't made up our mind yet
whether to attend in the business section or policy section.
So we are going to discuss that at the meeting today.

This program was first help in 2005 and was a relatively small one.
But it attracted many students and private sectors and expanded very fast.
In 2008, there were 584 applications, and 36 of them won the prize.






Debriefing session of AGSAM&SSS2009 and MIT Energy Conference

Hello again! I'm Taisuke Yoshida.
I also want to introduce you about the session held by g-Enesis and Executive Board in 19th June.

Before getting into main issue, let me introduce whole structure of our student groups.
As in the picture below, our energy club g-Enesis and Executive Board are parts of AGS-UTSC(SUS+). And SUS+ consists of five groups, Executive Board, CCWG, Sus-edu, SUS+ Global, WWG and g-Enesis. Of course, all are related to "Sustainability".
You can check the activities of these groups here

Orientation session of g-Enesis at Kashiwa Campus

Hello, I'm Taisuke Yoshida, president of g-Enesis.
I feel happy because I could start this blog and introduce our activities.
If you are interested in our activity, do not hesitate to contact us!

This time, I would like to report our orientation session at Kashiwa Campus held in 18th June.
The contents are (1)Introduction of our activities and (2)Report of MIT Energy Conference.

First, we talked about our vision, past activities and our future.
As you know, our vision is to contribute to achieve sustainable energy use from the students' point of view. To achieve it, we have held study sessions, made policy proposals and joined international conferences such as MIT Energy Conference.
We are going to improve each activity and make more output-oriented energy club in the near future. We welcome anyone who are interested in our activities, please join us!